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I'm All About That Game Life! My motto is "Gotta Play Em All!" meaning every game in existence! At least I'll try to get to the games that's possible within my reach.
Seven Heaven's Other gaming Sites
Help me by promoting these sites so we can grow as a community of gamers! I'm passionate about gaming!
My Youtube Gaming Channel
This is where I'll be reploading some gaming content that I have edited from livestreaming. I also make some how to and tutorial videos on fixing and troubleshooting older games that don't run on newer hardware or OS like Windows 10. It's one of my main youtube channels in gaming. I go by Seven Heaven Haven Gaming on youtube so go subscribe and hit the bell notification icon to help me grow over there.
Seven Heaven Haven's Twitch TV Live Gaming Stream Channel!
This is my channel on Twitch TV where I'll be doing live gaming broadcasts from time to time or whenever I'm available to stream. I'll be on usually in the AM hours between 1 am to 6 am. That's not the final time but I will probably do it in the PM times as well.
Seven Heaven's Twitter
This is where my twitter feed and posts show up!
My Facebook Page
This is the site I use to promote my Facebook Page. It links to my Twitch TV and other things I post there related to my content gaming or non gaming.
My GOG Profile Page
This is my profile page on aka Good Old Games. It's a good site where you can download DRM Free games. You don't have to worry about being online to play them. No internet no problem. Just install and play on your PC! It's that simple!
My Retro Achievements Profile
This is where I'll be showing my retro achievements. It will display achievements from older games that I've played from olders systems like the NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Playstation, Playstation 2, Sega Dreamcast, PSP, Virtual Boy and others I didn't list. Click the image on the left to check my profile.
Seven Heaven Haven's Veoh Gaming Site
This site kinda sucks to be honest coz it's not as interactive and fun as youtube. I'll check it from time to time or rarely.
My Deviantart Thingy AplG7 Drawings and Other Stuff!
I still need a lot of practice and have a long way to go when it comes to becoming a professional artist. I need to improve in inking and coloring. I just gotta be more open minded so that I can grow further mentally and physically whether drawing or whatever! Click the image on the left to check my deviantart profile page!
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