I knew that CD Projekt Red was gonna come up with solutions to problems happening in their new game Cyberpunk 2077! This was inevitable because a lot of games nowadays are so massive and huge that sometimes it's hard to find every problem, bug and glitch in the game. This is a big deal especially if the game is rushed and not given the proper optimizations and testing before release. Didn't CD Projekt Red use Beta Testers? I mean that's what those guys do right is to play and test the game if there is any game breaking bugs. One of the most important bugs that I think that needs to be fix in most games is the save function and getting corrupt files that fail to load after a save. That's a huge issue especially if you made a lot of progress only for it to go down the drain because of a sucky corrupt save file. That makes me mad as hell because that happened to me before! I want CD Projekt Red to succeed just like Rockstar Games because I like their Witcher series game and I don't want them to lose that momentum! This might mess up their reputation but I think that we the people, gamers, consumers, etc. need to give them a chance to fix the game because the game looks like it has the potential to become game of the if it's polished and fixed! I think that CD Projekt Red needs to test the game on all platforms like the older PS4, XBox Ones, PS5, and different graphics card to learn proper optimizations and what problems the game has when running on different consoles and Gaming PCs. Down below is the update fix that was release by CD Projekt Red to fix lots of problems in the game.
