It seems that that after a long battle by Microsoft and XBox over the Activision Merger they finally won at least for now. The FTC aka Federal Trade Commission has given XBox the green light and allowed them to have the merger happen. There were some tense moments in the courts when it comes to XBox because of fear over the company having a monopoly. If you ask me I'm happy for XBox fans. I'm a Nintendo fan and a PC gamer so this merger doesn't really affect me. As for Sony Playstation fans they seem to be a little triggered by this event. lol I guess you can say that the console wars continues and the market competition is just gonna heat up even more as time goes on! There are people on two sides of this just throwing rants and roasting each other meanwhile there are those in the middle who just wants all the gamers to get along. I don't that's going to happen because if you ask me as a realist human beings have a true nature. People like to put up a fake front but when their morals, ideals and things that they worship are challenged then they show their true colors and become aggressive sometimes in that regard. For example really extreme XBox fans, Playstation fans and Nintendo fans will defend their brand as if they're about to go on a war that will somehow determine the world's fate in a life and death situation. lol It's like the very fabric of existence depends on the outcome of this battle. Meanwhile, I just want these gaming companies to make good games, stop having too much microtransactions and charging too much on games. That's all I want. I don't mind buying every console out there so that I can play every game but if they pro consumer instead of being anti consumer then I'm cool with it. Also, gaming companies needs to stop having an agenda attacking fans, gamers and consumers if doesn't align with those companies beliefs. Check out below for more video and content related to this.
