This was a blog that I originally made back on November 13, 2014 at 3:20 PM.
When we usually see robots majority of the time in the media or video games, we see giant or small robot mechs going around blowing stuff up while armed with lethal weaponry and ready to go to war without any fear or emotions! We see these kinds of actions by these machines as being the ultimate weapon for mass destruction! There's movies like the Terminator movies, Robocop movies, Transformers, etc. While some robots are programmed for certain tasks like a housemaid, assistant, car assembler, entertainers, etc. Some are programmed with childlike innocence. Our view of robots can range from the bizzare to the Uncanny Valley if they start resembling humans way too much with latex skin that looks just horrific and disturbing at times. Some robots on the other hand capture our hearts. There's those movies, cartoons, and games that portray robots in this way! A new movie trailer called Chappie that stars this robot with an innocent childlike personality just came out. It's not shown yet whether it's programmed that way or just given free will by its creators so that it's learning on its own by interacting with people rather than an already preprogrammed with function without free will. The problem with this is that since it's just learning it might make mistakes and could get Chappie in trouble with the humans for those mistakes. I guess this movie will explore that problem and see the connections between us humans and their robot creations! Here's some other robot movies, cartoons, and CGI animation that might be similar to Chappie that explore the interesting world of robots: WALL-E, Short Circuit movies, Real Steel, Transformers, Tobor the Great, Robot Monster, I Robot, Robot Carnival, Bicentennial Man, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, C3PO and R2D2 from the Star Wars movies, The Mighty Orbots, Challenge of the GoBots, Gigantor, Iron Giant and my favorite of the robots Astro Boy. Let's not forget the video games as well which has Mega Man, Zero from Mega Man X, Tekken's Combot, E-102 Gamma from Sonic Adventure, Cait Sith from FFVII, Sektor and Cyrax from the Mortal Kombat games, Robot Masters from the Mega Man and Mega Man X game series, Metal Sonic, Brownie from Contra Hard C.O.R.P.S. Raiden from the Metal Gear games (he's a hybrid of a half man/half machine like Robocop but he's part machine so I include him), GlaDOS from the Portal Games, Robo from Chrono Trigger, The Transformers games, etc. I almost forgot about the new Big Hero 6 which stars that balloon inflatable like robot Baymax! The movie has a certain funny charm to it!

I gotta admit the scene below was just nuts when Iron Giant went beast/rage mode!
Here's the new Big Hero 6 trailer!
Here's a disturbing and not so innocent look but a more scary look into the Uncanny Valley on robots and machines!