This was a blog that I originally made back on September 1, 2014 at 4:25 AM.
I was on the interwebs again and came across a gameplay demo of a game called P.T. I just watch several videos of the game being played by different people. It seems to be a PS4 exclusive so I guess that's what we know so far about this game. The game starts off in a first-person perspective rather than the usual third-person perspective we know from the Silent Hill games. You go into this creepy house that's completely empty and silent coz Silent Hill. As the player go further into this home the sounds and dark hallway's atmosphere starts becoming more creepy and full of dread. It's like you're expecting for something to just pop up and scare the crap out of you from behind but it doesn't. I gotta give the game's atmosphere credit because it really does feel like Silent Hill. As the player goes further it keeps going back to the same hallway as if you are somehow trap in this limbo or hellish alternate house. It looks like a normal house but something horrible has happened here though. The radio starts and a voice talks about a killing done by the father to his wife and kids. After that the place starts to change and shift. It's subtle at first but becomes more and more hellish as you keep coming back to this same hallway! The ending reveals that Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro himself who would have thought are behind this game! It also shows the Silent Hill title as we see Norman Reedus from the Walking Dead series revealed to be the protagonist in this game! Whaaaat?! The game is called Silent Hills with an s though so what does that mean? Does it mean that there's more than one Silent Hill or does it mean something else? The dude behind the Metal Gear Solid franchise and the man behind the Hellboy franchise, Pacific Rim, Blade 2, Pan's Labyrinth, producer of Mama, and other sci-fi, creepy, horror movies are teaming up to create this game! I couldn't believe what I just saw and the graphics looks really nice using the Fox Engine! Holy crap! Could Silent Hill be making a comeback? My only question is that will this game be in first-person or third-person perspective or maybe even combine both? What would be cool in m opinion for this game is to be able to switch from first-person to third-person on the fly with the touch of a button! That would be awesome! That way you can play from different perspectives like in Skyrim! Well, if they do decide to combine both then at least have gameplay scenario of both perspectives. Also at the end when the title for the game was revealed as being Silent Hills we see Norman Reedus character walk outside in the city at night so does that mean the game will be pretty vast and actually takes place outside and also inside houses and buildings? Will it have kind of like free roam area and then going inside creepy houses and mansions and buildings, apartments, etc. like in the previous Silent Hill games? What I would like to make a come back for this franchise is the Otherworld! I miss that place. If you guys remember that place was disturbing with the shifting environments filled with blood walls and flesh with dead bodies. That was like hell! I wonder how this game will utilize the shifting world of the normal Silent Hill, foggy Silent Hill and the Otherworld. That would be interesting to see later on once more stuff is revealed by these guys! This is a very interesting team up though and Guillermo's experience in the horror genre could probably help revive this game. I got really creeped by that gameplay demo and actually got some jump scares. It has that kind of psychological horror that's always part of the Silent Hill games. It messes with your head and I like that!
