It looks like after the big reveal of the most anticipated game of 2020 it had huge bugs, glitches and problems. Now people are both pissed and making fun of it! After the huge backlash from gamers and consumers because of the problems and lots of people getting refund on the game investors are now coming after CD Projekt Red! This is one heck of a way to end the year! Multiple investors have filed a class-action lawsuit against CD Project Red for the reasons that the company made "materially false and misleading" claims about the game and that they neglected to reveal that the game "was virtually unplayable on the current-generation Xbox or PlayStation systems due to an enormous number of bugs." The lawsuit according to news articles was filed in California. Well with the current lockdown I don't expect this issue to come into fruition. It's gonna be a while until this is settled since we still have the whole social distancing issues and problems. 2020 is just one hell of a year and I mean literal hell! I'm afraid that 2021 might be 2020's little brother waiting in the sidelines ready to pounce and also cause chaos and problems! I hope that isn't the case. What do you guys think? Should CD Projekt Red get another chance and be forgiven or should they get Thanos snapped like how everyone nearly got Thanos snapped in 2020!
