This was a blog that I originally made back on April 7, 2014 at 9:10 PM.
Lately, we've been getting a lot of Dragon Ball games. The thing that really doesn't innovate about all these Dragon Ball games is that they are all fighting games and just focuses on that. I would like an action-adventure type of Dragon Ball games with leveling up system of an RPG game but the gameplay of a fighting game. I'd also like there to be a huge world to explore teeming with life, races, groups, villains, monsters, aliens, etc. The only thing that comes in mind is the South Korean MMORPG Dragon Ball Online. This is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game being developed simultaneously in Japan and South Korea by NTL, set in the Dragon Ball universe, first introduced by the Dragon Ball Japanese manga in 1984. A beta testing of Dragon Ball Online was initially announced to begin in South Korea during the summer of 2007, but was delayed until January 2010. Although a Japanese beta test had been planned to follow shortly after the initial 2007 Korean beta testing it still has not started. NTL Director Koji Takamiya has stated in numerous interviews that he would also like to see a global release for the game, but official plans have yet to be revealed. Series creator Akira Toriyama has a great deal of creative control over the project, both contributing to and supervising the story and art design, including character and location arrangements. It has been stated that Toriyama has worked on character designs for this project for over five years. On September 26, 2013 the Korean servers of the game have been shut down. On October 31, 2013 the Hong Kong and Taiwan servers of the game were shut down, effectively ending Dragon Ball Online. This could really have great potential because there are so many Dragon Ball fans out there worldwide and because they decided to shut this down like Capcom shut down Mega Man Online (also an MMORPG with potential) then we won't see this thing take off! Oh, well. What do you guys think? Could Dragon Ball Online have taken off and gain success if they didn't shut it down? The problem is that they didn't release it anywhere else.
