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Reexploring My Inner Childhood (Revisiting My Past)

Writer's picture: SevenHeavenHavenSevenHeavenHaven

Updated: Nov 29, 2020

This was a blog that I originally made back on August 21, 2013 at 6:25 PM.

I've been lately just exploring my passion in gaming by rediscovering my gaming roots. I've playing a lot of Famicom games that I've played in my youth. This is basically the Japanese equivalent of the NES console.

This console is the second one I've played by in the 90s after my first one which is the Atari 2600. This is my very first console and even though its hardware and software are very primitive I still liked playing it. I'm more fond of the Famicom though since I've played it a crap ton almost everyday of my youth in the 90s. Gaming has overtaken my very being and childhood! I don't blame these things but my love for them grew even stronger. I didn't have very many friends as a kid and was a very shy and quiet kid. I never knew my real father either since he passed away when I was just 2 years old and my mother went abroad to help us survive since we live in a third world country were jobs are hard to get. I was born and lived in Philippines all my life before moving here to the US in 1998 when I was 11 years old. My mother took me with her so that we can have a better life since it's so hard and poor over my birth country. I was a happy kid in the 90s despite being a shy and quiet geeky dork. I didn't care because I got my video games to make me happy. As I grew older, I was able to have my later consoles at the turn of the new millennium. I got my first Gameboy Pocket back in 1998. This little portable device was my very first little gaming device. It kept me entertained with awesome games like Super Mario Land, Donkey Kong Land 2, Castlevania Legends, Dr. Mario, etc. I would bring it everywhere and I can't even count how many batteries have been used and wasted on this thing. I eventually got an adapter for this thing so that I would bring that thing with me in a little bag. Later on, my parents got me my first actual console that is mine which is the Nintendo 64.

This awesome console propelled and skyrocketed my imagination and young mind further. I was hypnotize and entranced by this powerhouse! Oh, how I loved those memories playing with games like Banjo Kazooie, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Turok Rage Wars, Quest 64, and many other games. It was a great time for me to be a gamer. I would go to school and after coming home I would go straight to my N64 and played the crap out of that thing! I would play all night until my eyes were bloodshot and tired. I was a small and skinny dorky kid back then and this was my paradise. I hated people and getting bullied in school and being outcast didn't help. I struggled quite a bit in school and would get in trouble with my parents for playing too much video games. It didn't stop my growing appetite though. I would also go to my friend's house to play his Playstation with him back then. I would bring my N64 on my backpack with the games to let him try it while he let's me play his Playstation. That was the first time I've played games on the Playstation. I remember buying a Playstation game in school from one of my classmates for 20 bucks which was The Legend of Dragoon. I've played my very first Final Fantasy game which was FFIX with the monkey tailed Zidane. I started getting even more obsessed with this new console. I was in love with both my N64 and my friend's PS1. I was having so much fun back then with my friends. Kids would come over during B-day parties and we would all be focus on the games. It was so awesome! At the turn of the century during the release of the Sega Dreamcast, the next gaming giant was out in the works and is about to take gaming by storm. It was none other than the PS2 console which completely destroyed the Sega Dreamcast. I've played the Dreamcast at a B-day party a few times but didn't really own it. This got overshadowed by the sequel to PS1 which is the Playstation 2 console which I got as a B-day present from parents in 2001.

I was once again obsessed and hypnotize by this new powerhouse that completely blew me away! This game introduce me even further to awesome games like Dark Cloud, Final Fantasy X, Shinobi, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, Onimusha Series, Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill 3 (my very first Silent Hill game that introduce me to the series franchise), and many others that I haven't mentioned. I was again in trouble with parents for playing video games more than focusing on my studies and school. I was at 7th grade at that time in middle school and am still a geeky and dorky outcast that didn't have much friends. I would chat with some outcast classmates but I just kept to myself most of the time. My only escape and happiness everyday was thinking about how I was gonna beat the Dark Genie in Dark Cloud, how I was gonna take over Vice City with Tommy Vercetti, how I was gonna beat Seymour and Sin in Final Fantasy, how I was gonna take on the hordes of demons to reach Mundus with Dante in Devil May Cry and many other gaming fantasies. Gaming was all I think and daydream about during class even during Algebra. lol I would get yelled by teachers and teased by classmates. I get called a loser, geek, failure, nobody, etc. but it didn't matter. I ignored them and ride the bus home to play video games. I was still happy despite not having any friends. As the years flew by and attended high school things started to change and I grew older. I became more rebellious and started growing my hair and became more physically active. I was still an outcast but move the other way into the heavy metal side of my phase in life. Those were my obsessions in those days which was heavy metal and video games. After graduating high school back in 2006 which I hated and didn't care about since I had no friends there and didn't really care about how everyone is enjoying themselves in their pep rallies and gatherings. I would just go at the back of the school by the old discarded VCRs, old TVs, and chill back there doing some doodles of comic, manga, and video game characters. Those were my outlet back then. After high school, I kinda stopped gaming for a while and started working odd jobs. You know the kind of jobs like dishwashing in a hospital, housecleaning, etc. I didn't attend college and then decided to move out of my parents to live in an apartment in 2007. I would just work and go home to my apartment. I kept to myself most of the time and got my very first computer which was an Emachine computer complete with the sucky OS Windows Vista basic. lol It was a slow ass computer but it got the job done. I would mess around with it and create my very first youtube account under the name AplG7 and started posting gaming footage in 2007. It got suspended later on because I would add music to the gaming footage so a year later I created another youtube account under the username AplG7Rocks and that's when I started getting serious in the youtube gaming community. I would watch other gamers and got inspired by their videos so I started doing the same thing. I would come home from work and then post footage of gaming in this channel. I didn't expect it to get any attention and gain quite a following. It took several years later though and now it's 2013. A lot of time has passed and yet I feel as though I haven't accomplish anything. I've felt that I've let my parents and family down. I maybe a shy and quiet type of person but I'm not bad. I actually care and have empathy about other people in my own quiet way. Although now I'm not really getting as much viewers but it's still getting pretty good attention and subs on that channel. I was inspired by other gamers and let's players trying to make it big. My main passion was to be recognized in the gaming community but I'm not quite there yet. Right now, people want you to act silly and goofy while playing video games. It's all about the top youtubers so there is not chance for someone like me to make it up the ladder. I'll have to come up with something entertaining that will attract viewers. That's for later. As of right now, I no longer live in that apartment complex because of a little accident I've done. I burned the kitchen and started a fire. Luckily, no one was hurt and I was able to put out the fire by throwing a bucket of water on the stove thing. I only burned the kitchen and my landlord was pissed! I got kicked out and had to move all my stuff with the help from my parents and uncle. I now live back with my parents. I did have bought quite a number of games and consoles though. Hopefully, I plan on buying all the consoles and games I can get my hands in a collection and put them in a shelf. I love collecting gaming related things now. Right now I own a PS3, PS2 (I got it for 50 bucks on Amazon), Wii, several PS2 games, several PS3 games, some N64 games, a few handful of Gameboy games (although I no longer own my old Gameboy Pocket which was gone), and some Gamecube games.

I'll continue to game but for now I'll be focusing on my gaming roots so I'll be playing a lot of gameboy titles and Famicom(NES) and post them on my main youtube channel AplG7Rocks. I'll also be doing some livestream later on my Twitch TV channel Seven Heaven Gaming. Check them out by clicking on the highlighted words. Well, that's all for now.



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