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I For One Welcome Our New Boston Dynamics Robot Overlords!

Writer's picture: SevenHeavenHavenSevenHeavenHaven

I've been watching Boston Dynamics do their thing with their robots for several years now! I'm really impress with the advancement and improvements that they've made over the years. Atlas the walking robot can now run and dance! Spot the robot dog its a favorite of mine and is actually being sold right now for $74,500! I won't be getting one anytime soon maybe when it is on sale for 99% off! lol Boston Dynamics not too long ago was purchased by Hyundai the car company from Softbank for the amount of $1.1 Billion! I'm not really surprise if they start mass manufacturing these robots for home usage. Although the fear that Skynet is becoming a reality and could enslave and destroy humanity in the form of Boston Dynamics according to some fearful people out there. I for one welcome our new Boston Dynamics robot overlords! I think that us humans can benefit from robots helping us! I mean they can't get tired, don't have to sleep, don't have to eat and drink, and don't have to complain and get sick. They don't get old either. I'm looking more at something like Bicentennial Man which is a lighthearted movie with Robin Williams. That's the future I see in a positive light. Robots living alongside humans in harmony but of course I also see the military implications. I mean The Matrix and Terminator fear of robots and machines is also a possibility if the AI in these machines become self aware as Morpheus explained and warned us about. Other than that I hope that something like Wall-E, Chappie, The Iron Giant, Real Steel, Short Circuit, Transformers, etc. Robots and machines should be protecting, helping and taking care of us. That way maybe one day when machines do all the physical and harmful work to humans they can finally implement UBI aka Universal Basic Income for all humans! All we have to worry about is improve ourselves and grow our passion and hobbies while robots do all the workloads! A time will come when this will be our future! Maybe not now but I'm sad that this might happen when I'm no longer around to see it. Check out below for some of Boston Dynamics videos and robot stuff. Remember these aren't CGI! They're very REAL!



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