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I Want A Reboot of The Highlander Franchise Whether A Live Action Movie Or Animated Movie/Series

Writer's picture: SevenHeavenHavenSevenHeavenHaven

This was a blog that I originally made back on August 24, 2014 at 9:35 AM.

I love the original 1986 Highlander movie but I didn't really like the sequels especially Highlander the Source which was an abomination just as bad as Uwe Boll's movies! I get a serious headache just thinking about it! I need to calm down! Whew! Must... breathe... Okay! I feel better now! I saw the first Highlander movie and got into it! I'm not the biggest Highlander fan but man I have seen all of the movies including the series and the anime movie! I will say that the first movie with Christopher Lambert as Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod, Sean Connery as Juan Sánchez Villa‑Lobos Ramírez, and Clancy Brown as The Kurgan is the best one and the second best is the series with Adrian Pual as Duncan MacLeod. The third one I've loved is the 2007 animated movie Highlander The Search For Vengeance which stars Collin MacLeod! Geez, how many of these immortal MacLeods are out there! lol The Highlander End Game movie was alright but meh could have been better. I wished they introduce other immortals from other places other than Scotland like the East, West, North, or South as the good guys and bad as well of course. They need to show a more diverse group of immortals if they are to do a reboot of the series. I really want this franchise to be redeemed! C'mon Hollywood! Do it but then again I want them to do it right so maybe it's better to do it right or don't do it at all type of deal. The other movies are just garbage and shouldn't even exist! They need to be erase from existence and beheaded for there can be only one! YAAAAH! lol For those of you guys who aren't familiar with the Highlander franchise it's basically a series about these humans who are immortals. They can't be killed by guns, drowning, burning, jumping from any height, blood lost, etc. (maybe if they get blown up into smithereens with a grenade or missile might probably do the trick lol). They also can't die of hunger or thirst but it weakens them with fatigue if they don't eat or drink because they still feel the sensations normal mortals feel. If an immortal sustain lethal injury like broken bones, destroyed internal organs even like their heart getting ripped out of their chest, etc. all the internal organs and bones will regenerate and heal quickly. Depending on how severe the injury is it may heal slower. If an immortal gets their limbs cut off like arms and legs then they won't grow back. I think that the part of the body has to be attach as a whole for the regeneration to occur. Immortals who sustain damage around the neck area or above the neck like the head receives scars because it's their area of weakness. They use the power of the quickening I believe to generate energy in the swords they wield making their hits stronger than normal people that's why you see sparks when their weapons strike something. They also use the quickening to heal themselves so the stronger the immortal the faster and quicker they heal depending on the amount of immortals they have already killed. They are born naturally like normal people except that they can't die! They live for centuries and a millenia! You can't really tell a normal person apart from an immortal unless you're an immortal yourself! Immortals are somehow drawn to each other via this phenomenon much like the Quickening! The only way to kill an immortal is to cut off his or her head! If an immortal manages to cut off another immortal's head they will experience a quickening which is basically an electric lightning storm phenomenon (not sure if it's supernatural) that is kinda like an extreme orgasm of pain and power for the immortal receiving the quickening. Also, a lot of stuff like windows, cars, manholes, objects, etc. in the vicinity gets blown up by the blast radius of the quickening's power which is awesome! lol The immortal will acquire all the knowledge, power, and experience from what that decapitated immortal accumulated in his/her lifetime! There is also the prize of being the last immortal who will be the one because there can be only one! The immortals will battle throughout the centuries until only one is left to claim that prize! There are good and evil immortals and we all know what happens if the bad guys win! It's all over for humanity or something like that. An immortal won't be aware that he is immortal at first but only after he or she manages to come back to life after "dying" when everything will be revealed to them by another immortal. They will be afraid at first by being confuse and thinking they are curse. Usually, they learn from both mortals and immortals experiences but another older and more experience good immortal will teach the younger immortal beginner their ways and rules. There's also the rule that all immortals follow which is that they can't fight on holy ground doesn't matter if it's a church or holy temple of some sort in any culture it's forbidden if you guys saw the first movie and the series. Also, immortals are drawn to each other by an irresistible force or pull which is the Gathering. They can also sense each others presence when another immortal is nearby or when another immortal is beheaded. Immortals also have it bad when it comes to love once because they watch them grow old and die whether of natural causes or killed while they keep on living in sorrow and pain for centuries. The immortals are somehow incapable of having children so that sucks for them. If somehow a mortal manages to decapitate, behead, permanently kill, etc. another immortal the quickening of that immortal will not go to or won't be absorbed by the mortal but instead will dissipate into the sky above via electric explosion of energy. If another immortal is somehow within close proximity of the blast radius of the quickening then that immortal will be able to absorb and receive the power of that quickening even if that immortal didn't do the beheading but he or she has to be close to the area of the quickening. If two immortals are within close vicinity of the quickening then they both will absorb the power and the quickening's energy will be split among them. That is called a double quickening and it rarely occurs. There is also the category of the light quickening and dark quickening. If a good immortal manages to behead an evil immortal then a dark quickening occurs where the good immortal's personality gets so overwhelmed by the dark energy that they turn evil themselves. The light quickening is the opposite in which an evil immortal beheads a good immortal and the quickening changes their personality from evil to good instead. The evil can be remove if the immortal trains his or herself by purging the darkness in their heart. That explains the stuff about immortals. I won't recommend the other movies though because they are so bad even though I've seen them. Just watch the first movie, the tv series, and the 2007 animated movie. I've also learned of a cancelled Highlander game that's being developed by Eidos Interactive and being published by Square Enix back in 2008! It got canned in 2010. It would have been so awesome! Darn it! I was so pissed off when it got cancelled! Sigh. Oh, well. Maybe they can do it again later or something. I've just revisited these movies and series out of nostalgia. I basically didn't understood what I was watching as a kid but having rewatched them nowadays made more sense to me.

Who wants to live forever when love must die? Who waits forever anyway?

The Kurgan wants the prize!




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