This was a blog that I originally made back on August 24, 2014 at 9:00 AM.
I'm a fan of some anime but not all. I will admit I find some of them awesome and entertaining while some are just annoying and gives me a headache. I find the whole tsundere really annoying and gives me a migraine headache with Vegeta veins popping all over my head. lol Tsundere (ツンデレ?, pronounced [tsɯndeɽe]) is a Japanese character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time. The word is derived from the terms tsun tsun (ツンツン?), meaning to turn away in disgust, and dere dere (デレデレ?) meaning to become 'lovey dovey'. Originally found in Japanese bishōjo games, the word is now part of the otaku moe phenomenon, reaching into other media such as maid cafes, anime, manga, novels, and even mass media. I believe that CNN are claiming that manga and anime have child pornography in them when majority doesn't. There is the hentai genre of that which is basically the porn version of anime and manga but they aren't as big as manga and anime like the Dragon Ball franchise, Naruto, Bleach, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Gundam series, Cowboy Bebop, Astro Boy, etc. I could go on and on but if CNN say that these on the list have child pornography in them as well then should all anime and manga be banned? Should everything manga and anime related be banned? Why did CNN make such a wild assumption? Of course, there will be the few hentai manga which will have these kinds of content but they won't be broadcast on TV for the public to see. I've never once seen hentai shown on television. I know people wanna ban everything whether they are video games, manga, anime, etc. coz MURICA! WAHAHA! Well, I think CNN are probably just getting moe and child porn confuse. The difference is that some manga have really cute and young characters in them both male and female but they aren't child pornography. Some of the manga CNN claimed were child porn like Dolls Fall aren't even child porn. That series is more of a psychological mystery with horror elements. CNN are just too ignorant to do their research further and just say on spot that everything must be banned or else go to jail and pay a jillion dollars to get out or face our corporate wrath muwahahah! That's how I see these guys but seriously though another anime is one called Love Hina which doesn't even have any porn in it. It's basically a harem anime with a bunch of girls falling for the same guy kinda like that stupid show The Bachelor but it's in anime form. CNN I know that you are trying to support censorship of everything offensive but don't attack everything because not all manga and anime are evil just like not all comics are evil. There are American comics out there I'm sure have offensive stuff on them too but that's the minority. I'm sure DC and Marvel don't have any child porn in them because if you guys wanna attack manga/anime might as well attack them all coz censorship! Amiright CNN! lol I'm not against you CNN and I know that it's your job to cover news and crap but now you have pissed off a lot of anime and manga fans because of this! I'm not pissed off because I take the neutral side but because I do my research carefully I consider myself a more enlightened being like Gandhi or Buddha. I'm not saying I'm anywhere near their level of enlightenment but at least I can see clearly through the mists and false stuff! I've seen the media demonize not only anime and manga but also video games, movies, shows, art, drawings, etc. time and time again. I'm sure this isn't gonna be the last time we'll hear again of these kinds of things. hehe I'm open minded to ideas and criticisms because everything should be criticize even manga and anime, video games, movies, shows, etc. That's what critics are for but I have my own judgements so I do my own research that's why I don't always trust the news or media. I love the internet!

Above is the news video CNN Talks About Anime Child Pornography Lolicon Graphic Manga and Anime! Below are the videos of pissed off fans of anime ranting about this!