This was a blog that I originally made back on November 10, 2013 at 11:55 AM.
I'm a long big time fan of psychological and survival horror both movies and games! I've watched countless horror movies since my childhood and got hooked ever since! I can't name every horror movie that came out. Right now my focus is on this new survival horror IP by Bethesda Softworks and Tango Gameworks (This is Shinji Mikami's company and he's also the father of Resident Evil much like Keiji Inafune is the father of Megaman)! I have to say that I'm very impress with how the game executes itself! I noticed the attention to detail in the dark atmosphere, lighting, quiet tense moments, chase scenes, disturbing situations, etc. I also like how the main character Detective Sebastian Castellanos goes limp and becomes very helpless when injured by enemies! That is what survival horror is all about! It's that feeling of dread, hopelessness, helplessness, etc. It makes the vulnerable character more human unlike some horror that deviate from its roots and became pure action complete with the Matrix bullet time and super strength and speed! Characters that are super human soldiers don't belong in survival horror. That is for games that are super hero base like Devil May Cry, Call of Duty, God of War, Fighting Games, etc. Those genres are different from survival horror! I give this game a giant thumb way up! Check out below for gameplay footage and pics!
