This was a blog that I originally made back on January 6, 2014 at 9:20 PM.

I've seen a lot of action movies in my lifetime! Some are bad and some are good. I just saw 47 Ronin. My only question is that if it's held in medieval feudal Japan times then how the heck are they speaking in English. Just kidding. I know that it's easier for people to understand English but I would have probably liked it better if they spoke in Japanese with English subtitles. It would have been more immersive. Basically, the story is about an evil clan of 47 Ronin which are former samurais serving under Lord Asano. He was then framed for attempted assassination of Lord Kira after being under the influence of some witchcraft. The punishment was death by seppuku which is a form of ritual suicide by self disembowelment. It's something about honor and shame so extreme that life is at a cost. After their lord's death, the clan rival's lord Shogun Tsunayoshi banished the samurais under the former dead leader Lord Asano. Oishi the leader of the ronin warriors asked the half breed played by Keanu Reeves to help them get revenge against Lord Kira and his army and save the daughter of Lord Asano. Well, the movie was okay. It was kind of a sleep fest at the start but about half way it started picking up and got my attention when the action started. I was like that's more like when they started unsheathing their swords and cutting a path of destruction! I'm not gonna say it's a bad movie but not great either. If you ask me I'll give it a 7.5 out of 10. That's just me. But then you'll say that everyone is a critic now. I'm not a professional but seeing the movie in it's entirety made me wanna talk about it as an outlet. If I can't vent then I'll become an aggressive wolf so I gotta vent in some manner by blogging about it. I wish there was more depth like during that one year gap when Kai the half breed was sold and Oishi thrown into the pit. I wish they showed what happened during that time. It's like a time frame skip. Oh, well.
