I was just browsing around again as usual on the giant money making machine empire that is the world wide web trying to find games the play, stuff to watch, news to read, etc. when I saw this announcement that Microsoft had just bought Activision Blizzard. We're now more connected than ever through social media, video games, communication, entertainment, music, memes, short video clips, etc. Whether people are trying to get popular or making money one thing we all have in common is access to this interweb aka internet through broadband, fiber-optic internet or wireless wifi. From the news that I've read, watch and heard Microsoft just bought Activision Blizzard for a whopping US$68.7 billion dollars! That is $68,000,000,000 with 9 zeros at the end for scale! To understand how big that number is $1 million dollars which is $1,000,000 with six zeros at the end can buy you a sports car like a Jaguar E-Type or a 2021 Nissar GT-R (I wanted that car so bad even if just in my dreams coz I'm a Nissan fan lol), an apartment complex that you own to rent out to people, rare vintage comics, a crap ton of video games that you can buy now for thousands of dollars and resell later for a profit, and whatever else you can invest maybe crypto and stocks! lol Now a billions dollars is on a whole different level of scale! You can buy yourself an island, several lands, several huge mansions, several yachts, your own airport, a couple of private jets, and several latest model Lamborghinis. So that gives you an idea of how big this money that Microsoft just spent buying this. I think that this move gives Microsoft access to several of Activision Blizzard's IP aka Intellectual Properties like Call of Duty, Crash Bandicoot, Guitar Hero, Tony Hawk's, Spyro, Skylanders, World of Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, and Candy Crush Saga. There's many more games that I didn't list but that is huge potential for growth regardless of what every gamers think and what my opinion is on this matter. Actions speak louder than words so every talking head on youtube can cry all they want but the actions and results will speak for itself once we see what this move does at the end of the day! The deal would grant Microsoft ownership over globally recognized franchises. I'm a huge Nintendo fan but this move is gonna be another money making machine for Microsoft and if they make their moves and releases right they can funnel in the gamers, users, consumers and every buyer of their products through these IPs! That's my only thoughts about this. I mean Phil Spencer and his XBox group I believe made a bold move and potential investment through this purchase so it's not done for no reason. They're competing with the other two giants Sony and Nintendo so this is basically Microsoft activating their Pot of Greed card if we're talking in Yu-Gi-Oh! memes. This kind of acquisition is also not really anything new because back in 2008 Activision merged with Blizzard in a US$18.9 billion dollar deal. Microsoft and Sony regularly buy successful pre-existing development studios to take over their intellectual properties (IP) and make them available exclusively on their platforms. This will make the cash flow of money move to Microsoft's own specific sphere like Game Pass and away from their competitors like Sony, Steam and other gaming sites. That's the point of this whole exclusivity thing. As much as gamers want the Console Wars to stop this pretty much takes this competitive market to a whole different level in this modern era of gaming. As long as money is involve in the gaming empire then what would be the point and motivating factor for people to keep going. Unless game developers and indie game developers make their games free then money will always involve! It is inevitable to resist! Unless you're a non profit organization then you have no choice but to make money. Even charity events, fundraising and the AGDQ needs to raise money so all that excuse and whining about money being evil when it is also used to help people and health organizations despite what people feel. This is beyond the Console Wars that we use to know from the past compared to now! This is a World War 3 of Gaming or even a Infinity War type of scale if we're talking Marvel Comics stuff on a scale we've never seen before compared to the past! It's gonna make the Sega Genesis and Nintendo console wars of the 80s and 90s look like child's play. So what do you guys think? Will Sony and Nintendo make a move too after this action by Microsoft? Will Sony and Nintendo activate their Trap Card Yu-Gi-Oh! style in response by also buying other companies. I keep seeing comments on Twitter about Sony maybe buying Capcom and Square Enix which is pretty crazy but if money is involve who's to say why not! lol Check down below for some videos about this news announcement.
