This is a sad day for the Marvel's Avengers game. I remember trying that game out on Steam and manage to finish the main story campaign. I only tried it when it was free but during that time I actually kind enjoyed the story and the interaction between the characters. The game is a third-person action adventure game where you can play as a single player or online multiiplayer with other people. It had a sort of RPG like element. It wasn't a perfect game by all means but it was okay. It received mixed reviews on Steam so most people didn't like it and only farely accepted it. The game was full of technical issues during its release date in 2020. That hampered the game's performance. The game was developed by Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal, Crystal Northwest, Nixxes Software and published by Square Enix, Crystal Dynamics, Square Enix Europe. My issue with them shutting down support for this game this year and making the game unavailable for future purchase after September 30, 2023 is the same issue I had in the past several years about DRM and games ceasing to become playable. I don't know how much this will affect the game once they remove it from purchase and no longer having support. They said that the single player and multiplayer will still be available after that date but I think it's just downhill from there for this game. It will probably have less and less players in the multiplayer side before finally becoming completely dead as players move on the next multiplayer game. Many online multiplayer games have had this problems in the before when games lose support and the players abandon ship thus killing the game. It's a very sad practice by the gaming industry today but people just see it as a normal thing that's why companies keep doing this. At the end of the day, the players and consumers enable the companies to let this happen so they will just keep doing this. With everyone having access to social media nowadays it shouldn't be a problem because everyone can voice their complaints about issues like this. You have the power to make your voice heard and stop gaming companies and corporations to have these anti consumer practices. The only thing I can say is that if only the developers, publishers and those in charge of this game gave it the same love as that successful Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy game which recieved very positive reviews then this Avengers could have been received better. That one was a major success! They can learn a lot from the success of that game!

I tried out the Marvel's Avengers game on Steam. I finished the single player campaign but not the multiplayer mode.