This was a blog that I originally made back on August 13, 2014 at 2:15 AM.
I'm kinda late again with this news but wow I didn't saw this coming! So after all that stuff about Ben Affleck was revealed to be playing Batman for the Man of Steel sequel or is it. It's called Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice scheduled to be released on 2016. We know that Zach Snyder is returning as director and Henry Cavill as Superman! I also saw a new pic with Wonder Woman who will be in this movie as well played by Gal Gadot! It's actually looking pretty good! I got kinda excited because of these two things which is this teaser and the pic. Man, I can't wait for 2016 to come already! Even though Marvel is currently on lead when it comes to movie franchises. DC dominates more into the TV media with the announcement of Constantine, Gotham and the Flash series! So that's at least what DC has on their audience! I can't wait to see what the upcoming teaser and trailers will reveal to us later on so that will be interesting to look forward do! So what do you guys think of the teaser for Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice which showed a little sneak peak of Batman and Superman staring down each other in epic fashion! Also, what do you think of Gal Gadot's new Wonder Woman outfit! She looks alright but we'll just have to wait and see what she can do and what's in store later on once they show these three DC Trinity in action on a future teaser and trailers. You can check down below for the pics and other thingies!
This teaser above might not be the official teaser but it can be speculated upon as to what the possibilities of its meaning with Batman watching what's going on the screen. There is also another teaser revealed at comic con showing the stare down between Superman and Batman which looks more authentic than the one show above. Just look it up yourself since the one I saw got taken down by Warner Bros.
I also would like for another DC comic franchise to get recognize better and what I'm talking about is the Sandman comic book series by writer Neil Gaiman. It explores a really good concept and worth checking out. The main character of The Sandman is Dream, also known as Morpheus and other names, who is one of the seven Endless. The other Endless are Destiny, Death, Desire, Despair, Delirium who was once Delight, and Destruction who turned his back on his duties. Each of the brothers and sisters inhabit and are the anthropomorphic personifications of their concepts.