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New Devil May Cry Should Go Back To Older Franchise Rather Than New DmC

Writer's picture: SevenHeavenHavenSevenHeavenHaven

This was a blog that I originally made back on March 27, 2014 at 6:00 PM.

I've been a big fan of the Devil May Cry series since day 1. I got my hands on Devil May Cry 2 back in 2003 back in my high school days. Those were good times. Love playing that game. It wasn't the best in the series but it was what introduce me to the franchise. I then got my hands on Devil May Cry 1 the original afterwards and fell in love with it. The fans are currently divided as far as I'm aware. The older DMC franchise with white haired Dante vs the DmC's dark haired Dante who's hair eventually turned hair in the end. Well, before we get ahead of ourselves let's focus on the original series. It was back in 2005 when the series really started to take off even further with the success of Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening. I got my hands on the Special Edition version which is has lowered difficulty compared to the original Devil May Cry 3. DMC3 Special Edition has more features though like Bloody Palace, playing as Vergil, Jester battles, etc. Well, that game really show how it it's done in the hack n slash genre since the original Devil May Cry. It was fast pace, had combo chains, weapon switching on the fly, style switching, etc. along with the hyper fast 60fps blazing speed of Dante's moves and powers! It must be his youthful energy and demonic heritage. I've played the new DmC and am gonna say that it wasn't bad. I wasn't disappointed but am not impress either. Yeah, bring on the hate train and attack if you must. My will and decision stands strong and that is the power of individualism that I stand for. Heh. Well, let's get back to it. I can see though very obviously that the new DmC has gameplay inspired by the previous games. It just doesn't have the same fast and blazing speed of gameplay though. It doesn't even come close. If you were to compare the abilities, endurance, recovery, powers and strengths of the two Dantes from the original white haired to the new Dante the new Dante's powers just pale in comparison. I'm also gonna say the gameplay is slower. You didn't hear me complain about the story though. Well, I'm not trying to be bias either because I've played all of them and my conclusion is that Devil May Cry 3 is the best in the series! Devil May Cry 4 had the potential to be great because Dante's gameplay in that game has been perfected and weapon and style switching was instantaneous compared to previous games. The only problem with DMC4 is that it focused too much on Nero when it should have just been about Dante. Now, I'm gonna talk about any future plans for a new Devil May Cry. I'm gonna advice Capcom to stick to the older franchise. These are the reasons why. There are so many established characters already to tap on like Dante of course, Vergil, Trish, Lady, Nero, Sparda, and of course I have forgotten about the redheaded Lucia as well. You see if all these characters are made playable in a new Devil May Cry it will completely change the whole playing field of the series! Give them their own stories and cutscenes and what not. The reason that I said to include Vergil and Sparda even though those two are diseased or have disappeared for good is because we need to know their side of the story. Sparda is the one we need to focus on and what made him a full blooded demon turn against his own kind and sealed the demon world as well as defeating Mundus and his demonic armies. We need to see how Eva met Sparda. Sparda has been mentioned a few times in the series being Dante and Vergil's father and the one who gave them their weapons and amulets but we haven't really see a complete story base on him. We know that Sparda is a devil disguising himself as a human so he's not gonna be handsome in his true demon form. It's like that story of Beauty and the Beast with Bella. Eva and Sparda's stories are kinda similar and I believe that Sparda was the first demon to shed a tear for his love one Eva. Sparda also pitied the humans and decided to defect against his own kind. Now, as I mentioned earlier I listed all the characters that should be playable if they were to make a new Devil May Cry and use the older franchise route. If on the other hand Capcom decides to continue the new DmC series with a sequel instead then that's their decision too. It just won't have as much impact if they focus on Dante, Vergil, and Kat again. Do you see what I mean? It is gonna start to get old fast and you can only put so much story, focus, and gameplay on the same characters that they start to get old. I mean since Capcom believed this new DmC is so much more hip than the older series then a newer generation will start to see that it gets old too and pretty soon outdated. It's just popular and trendy at the moment but eventually forgotten later on. I'm not trying to diss the fans of new DmC, I'm just trying to understand why they are trying so hard to downgrade and attack the older franchise. It's like they have a reason or vendetta against older Dante or something. I've played them all like I said even the new DmC. I've gotten really good actually on all of them but am not pro skill yet. I'll get there eventually with more practice. What do you think? Should Capcom bring back the older franchise if they were to develop a new Devil May Cry or should they stick to the new DmC and continue from that? Everyone will have differing opinions so please don't attack one another for having differing opinions. I'm just saying that you gotta respect other people despite their difference in their likes or in favor of. I don't care if you like older Dante or new Dante. I don't care if you hate the older franchise or like the newer franchise and vise versa. That's your opinion. Now, that I've said that. You gotta respect my opinion if you want me to respect yours. I'm also aware that if a younger generation is introduce to newer DmC then they'll probably like it better. If they're introduce instead to the older franchise and then to the the new then they'll probably like the older franchise. I'm also aware that preference and likes might switch and now they like the newer DmC not the older franchise. Check out below for more Devil May Cry series and DmC videos and pics.

Do you prefer this series?

or this new one. Remember! Everyone will have differing opinions, likes, and dislikes, etc. Respect that please!



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