Not too long ago a group of traders drove the share price of some companies that are on the verge of bankruptcy and basically going extinct. Some of these companies are AMC, Gamestop, Blackberry, Macy's., etc. They made money off it and some are students who are able to pay off their student debt and loans from the money that they made from it. I think that this is a small step on taking on the big guys. The thing though is that these large group put at a massive dent to some of these billionaire's pockets. This is like Occupy Wall Street but this time it's now Infiltrate Wall Street because it's hurting them right in their pockets where it really hurts! This is also one way to take on the gaming companies who take advantage of consumers with bad practices with DLCs and microtransactions with locked in game content by hurting these corrupt companies by hurting their pockets. Yeah they took on the giants but it's at least one way to make a statement. Some say that it is market manipulation but what the Gamestop traders did when they did it because it doesn't serve the interest of the huge companies interest then they get angry about it. When these hedge funds elite lose money they want a bail out and want to halt the trades that's causing them to lose huge amounts of money now that this happened! We the common people didn't get no bail out so that's not fair at all! They want the trades to be halted because It doesn't serve their interest because like Joker said in the Dark Knight "It's all part of the plan!" or in this case not part of their plan. This is one way to tell these guys that they don't own everything and that the smaller guys also have a say or can participate as well. Reddit basically helped raise Gamestop stocks to crazy levels by about 1,700%! That is pretty huge! They're the hedge funds who basically make predictions and bets that stocks on a company will crash. In this case I might as well make predictions and bets on the Godzilla VS Kong fight and make huge bucks on it! My bet is that Godzilla wins but in reality I think that both Godzilla VS Kong both wins. lol Back to the topic, the Wall Street elites are making all these decisions and analysis on the stock market. They are also the ones involve in the 2008 market crash crisis that had occurred! During that time I was too busy working my ass off at my previous job so I wasn't really affected by it but a lot of homeowners were! This crash is the reason why a lot of millennials and gen Z disliked these rich bastards in Wall Street! A lot of redditors following Gamestop bought some shares and so this forced the short sellers of Wall Street to buy shares to cover their losing bid and bets. This continued spiral cause the stocks to rise until today! So that is why this is all happening! People use no fee app like Robinhood which is like a new way of trading and this caught Wall Street veterans by surprise because it allowed newer younger traders to participate! This allowed people to buy options which aren't like stocks because the options somehow determine and help the rise and fall of stocks. The once betting get paid on wagers to how close their predictions on the stocks price. "What I think is happening is that you guys are making such an impact that these fat cats are worried that they have to get up and put in work to earn a living," a moderator in the group posted this week. "That fuzzy sensation you are feeling is called RESPECT and it is well earned. Wall Street no longer dismisses your presence anymore." Elon Musk joined the pile on Tuesday with a single-word tweet — "Gamestonk!!" — that linked to WallStreetBets. This is why I love Elon Musk because he is so down to earth and is very humble. He stands up for us smaller guys trying to make our way in this world! If we have more people like him everyone on the planet would be living rich, healthy and fulfilling lives with less sufferings, poverty, misfortune, etc. I have nothing against rich people but these Wall Street greed filled people have stood in their pedestal for far too long and are too spoiled. This is one way to bring them down to our level and actually make them know how it feels to be down here with us working our asses of day to day for our money! Check out below for some more stuff related to this news!
