This was a blog that I originally made back on November 14, 2013 at 5:25 PM.
I remember watching the original Robocop movies and always thought how awesome it would be to have a gun that you can access from inside your right leg like in the movie! I'm more of a Terminator series fan but seeing Robocop in the 90s made me like it as well although I'm not really that into it. I also remember watching the animated series. Those were good times. This new Robocop remake starring Joel Kinnaman as the new Alexander "Alex" Murphy (it was Peter Weller who played as the original Robocop from the first 3 movies), Samuel Jackson (Remember him from awesome movies like Pulp Fiction, Snakes on a Plane, getting eaten by a shark in Deep Blue Sea, lol and other movies you can look up in google blah blah), and other casts, etc. This movie seems to be aiming for a more serious and dark, gritty tone compared to the original Robocop movies. Well, I saw the trailer and I must say that I'm actually intrigued by it. It's executed pretty well. I like the use of CGI and of course somehow I'm having flashbacks now of Iron Man from seeing this but this is Robocop not Iron man. I hope that one day Hollywood will also do a continuation or at least remake of the Guyver movies which is of course base on an anime with today's CGI technology like how they did with the Transformers, Iron Man, this upcoming Robocop movie it should be no problem. Well, I've gotten way off topic. Let's get back to Robocop. The movie again like in previous versions explores the use of robots to do police work on the streets and we see them go into neighborhoods and it also explores the whole robo-phobia which is the fear of robots. We've seen this scenario from the Terminator franchise to the Matrix franchise and these movies describe and portray robots as monsters! This movie shows the human/robot hybrid which is the cyborg. It's a human with cybernetic enhancements which basically still make it human because of the brain, feelings and emotions part. I wonder how they will execute Murphy's accident in this movie and how he will go from human to cyborg. We'll just have to wait and see how this movie explores the whole robot theme. I'm a fan of robots so I'd definitely wanna see this movie! Check out the pics and videos below about this new movie!
