This was a blog that I originally made back on February 4, 2014 at 1:30 PM.
So here is the deal. A company by the name of Blockade Entertainment took the Sly Cooper game IP by buying it I guess from Sony Computer Entertainment so that they can make a movie out of it. I guess they're kinda like Pixar or Imagi Studios who are both known for their CGI animated movies. Well, this might be an interesting take on the video game to movie franchise. Luckily, the movie isn't live action or that might have ruin it. Some games aren't meant to be portrayed in a live action manner and some can be. It just depends on which game. Sly Cooper might work as it is more of a cartoon so it will definitely work! If the right group of people are involve then the formula will work but if the people involve don't know their source material and just come up with their own crap then of course that franchise will be ruined. Fans will be pissed and it will be a disaster. Well, for those who aren't familiar then keep reading. The world of Sly Cooper is a version of the real world that is populated by anthropomorphic animals, with film noir and comic book motifs. In addition, the world of Sly Cooper is filled with super-science and magic. The focus of the story is Sly Cooper, a young adult raccoon and the latest descendant in a line of master thieves who pass down their expert techniques from generation to generation using the Thievius Raccoonus, a book which contains all the Cooper Family's secrets and tricks. While the Cooper family has accumulated a massive amount of wealth through their thieving ways, Sly places greater value on his friendship with his partners, Bentley and Murray, and his flirting and teasing relationship with Inspector Carmelita Fox. Well, Sucker Punch Productions were the ones responsible for the Sly Cooper games. If you don't know Sucker Punch then think of the Infamous game series with Cole and now soon Infamous Second Son starring the new anti-hero Delsin Rowe! Heck Yeah! Well, check below for more info on the matter or look it up yourself on google if you wanna know more. I'm sure that if you can read this then you can look up stuff on the web.
