I have been playing a lot of Death Stranding lately after I got it for half price last year on Steam. I basically bought the PC version which has lots of good features like being able to change the resolution, fps (frames per second) speed, adjust shadow detail, anti aliasing, UI (User Interface) stuff, and many other features that you can tinker with to play this game at its best on your PC rig. I know that I can play this game in 4K at 60 fps or higher but whenever I stream this game on Twitch I play at 1080p at 60fps no problem. I set the resolution on OBS to 1536x864 at 60fps though because I'm not a partner yet. Partners get to use multiple resolutions playing on their games. I can only set mine to a specific one. Oh, well. That's okay. This game is phenomenal in detail, landscape, story and music. And this coming from a non Kojima fan. Most Kojima fans I've notice are pretty upset, disappointed or bitter about this game just because his name is attached to it. People should realize that a lot of people worked on this game not just one person. It has some very good and relaxing tracks like Asylums for the Feeling feat. Leila Adu, Low Roar and many other songs. They match the feeling of the current location and place which is great! When you encounter danger like those MULES and BTs or a giant BT the music change again to create that fear, tension and horror which got me really nervous while playing! HAHA The thing about this game is that at first glance all you see is the main character Sam Porter Bridges played by Norman Reedus just going on an endless journey on foot delivering stuff. That's the first thing you see on any gameplay or stream that you watch that's why most people will automatically judge this game and call it a "Walking Simulator" Funny enough though Norman Reedus starred in The Walking Dead so both roles that he had in this game and show can now have "walking" in it. HAHA Let's get back to talking about Death Stranding. There is something that I've notice with this game while playing it that have things in it that are actually tied to and relates to real life stuff happening right now whether it be events, people, social media, pandemic, natural disasters, climate change, nature, etc. There were so many parallels to this game and real life as if this game had predicted the future or is aware of what's happening in the world! Let's start off with the delivery process. This game has you delivering cargo and right now because of the pandemic Amazon and the other delivery companies are considered essential workers or business that must stay open in order for things like the vaccines, food and other important stuff to be delivered to people so there's that thing right there. The game has this thing called Timefall Rain that accelerates time on whatever it touches whether it be people, animals, cars, ladders, bridges, plant life, etc. This fluid makes them grow old, decay quick and just die because of the chiral matter in it. Chiralium which is the element that is part of this and is embedded in the Timefall Rain, chiral crystals and the BTs (Beached Thing) monsters are all connected. Timefall rain though once it reaches the ground becomes regular water after it comes into contact with whatever it is trying to age. The Timefall rain makes me think of acid rain because of pollution and nuclear radiation in the air affecting the environment around it that is part of the climate change problem so there is that. There is this social media aspect of the game which are the likes that you give and receive for completing tasks, building things, helping others, building bridges and roads, delivering cargo, etc. and that connects you to other players playing this game online. You get to see their stuff and you can like their stuff too just like how you like stuff on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Tik Tok, etc. All these have something in common and that is connecting to other people online using the internet. Some see and use social media to gain popularity and others use it as a way of life, sell things, buy things, communicate with families, make friends, troll, share memes, showcase artwork, tell stories, show the news, etc. Everything right now revolves a lot around social media whether we hate it or not because it is a source of entertainment and high for everyone. I think Kojima understood this that is why he included this on Death Stranding. Now for the climate change problem. Whenever you fight or encounter BTs in this game which are those floating spectral ghost like beings that grab you if you get caught and then drags you to a bigger BT that looks like a large animal like that dolphin or Cthulhu looking octopus monster they have these black fluid like matter they have on them. I think this tar and dark looking liquid is basically the oil spill disaster that happened in the ocean like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that happened in 2010. A lot of marine life like dolphins, birds, fish, seals, etc. all got covered in oil which harmed and killed them and is the black liquid that has now become part of the climate change problem as a result. These things keep happening multiple times because humans keep on trying to suck up all the fossil fuel, oil, petroleum, crude oil, etc. under the ocean and accidents eventually happen as a result. Huge lose of animal life happened because of this oil spill and that is a huge global problem! This reliance on fossil fuel and oil comes at a huge price. This huge issue was brought upon by Death Stranding in the sense that BTs I think are a sort of revenge or punishment by mother earth for humanity's sin upon nature and trying to use corporations to gather the planet's energy like the oil for their own greed and selfish reasons! Another relation to real life stuff is the chiral printers which are basically 3D printers and are being use by a lot of companies and people right now to build stuff using materials like plastic, metals, nylon, wax, titanium, silver, etc. They use actual cement to build houses with larger 3D printers. The small 3D printers are being used to build plastic toys, products sold on Etsy and parts for guns! The other 3D printers uses actual metals for parts! So this thing is pretty huge which is pretty obvious when it comes to its huge importance! Even engineers are deciding to someday use 3D printers to build rockets and maybe even cars in the future! Of course this is gonna be a problem for construction people and factories because if everyone starts owning their own printer and just putting in the materials and watch the thing build stuff then this will completely change everything forever once it becomes mass produce on a global scale! It's only a matter of time! Chiral printers build stuff on Death Stranding using metals, ceramics, resins and the chiral crystals in a matter of seconds and minutes! This repair and rebuilding is important because this game takes place in a post apocalyptic world that is a consequence on humanity's sins again for being arrogant and greedy. Stuff and things don't last forever in this game like in real life so there is that sense of mortality and relatability in losing something or someone. I haven't gotten that far into the game yet but I will add more here as I discover more stuff on the game and see how it connects and relates to real world stuff and events! One more thing that this game predicted was the pandemic not in the sense of the virus taking over but because everyone on this game is locked up in bunkers like the lockdowns in real life. It's too dangerous to go outside because of the harmful Timefall rain, MULES, BTs, and just the hazardous chiral contaminated air with the destroyed areas and cities. Airplanes are not possible either so flying is a risk because of Timefall which will accelerate rust and decay on metal objects! That is why ladders and ropes disappear a lot in this game all the time because of the effects of Timefall Rain on everything it touches! That is why cargo needs to be sprayed with Repair Spray or it will get damage quick when you are walking on areas where Timefall Rain never stops! The bunkers in this game also have these preppers which are a big thing right now in real life as well. Preppers are now considered to be smart people because they were prepared for the upcoming Doomsday scenario that they've all been fearing about which is understandable! Some people think that they're crazy but in my opinion they have that better safe than sorry mentality which is essential for survival. America and pretty much the whole planet is affected by this Death Stranding event that it nearly made humanity and life extinct because of it! The one horrific thing about this world is that if a person dies they become a BT if not cremated immediately within 48 hours! A person's body will immediately have chiral matter like that black liquid come out and that attracts the BTs and the dead body becomes another BT. This is because the soul is trying to get back to the body even though it's no longer there. BTs from the Beach which is the afterlife in this game uses the Timefall areas that is very heavy in chiral matter as a gateway portal to the world of the living. Upside down rainbows signal the coming of BTs in this game so instead of rainbows giving wonderful feelings and visuals they're a sign of upcoming danger. The rainbow is upside down so it's no ordinary rainbow. That is why there are so many of them when Timefall rain occurs! That is not good because when a BT or the giant Cthulhu dolphin like BT eats a human an explosion called a voidout occurs destroying the entire city and killing everyone in that area and leaving a huge ass crater like that huge crater in the Akira anime cause by the explosion. Some humans have Dooms and special powers like Sam who can come back from the dead as a repatriate. Not everyone has powers, Dooms or special abilities like Sam and Fragile so they're dead permanently and can't come back like Igor who got eaten by that giant humanoid BT at the beginning of the game. I think this is the result of the Death Stranding phenomena and chiralium the element from the Beach aka world of the afterlife or the dead being present on earth. The reason for the explosion is because the anti matter inside a BT reacts to the matter of a human resulting in a matter and anti matter annihilations where these two can't meet or come into contact in the same place or something like a singularity or big bang will occur. Huge explosions like nuclear explosions are not a good thing of course because they destroy everything in sight! Black holes and all these huge energy releases occur in space all the time but now in Death Stranding multiple BT encounters destroyed everything on earth killing a lot of people, cities, lowering population, plant, animal and creating even more BTs as a result! Check out below for some Death Stranding videos and also my Twitch channel where I livestream the game. Also a couple of more things in this game that might be a prediction is a female American president like Bridget in this game while in real life we finally got Kamala Harris as the first female vice president of America by Biden's side. The cryptobiote bug looking things that Sam and Fragile eats in this game are similar to the real life tardigrades aka water bears. These creatures have cryptobiosis which is a physiological state in which metabolic activity is reduced to an undetectable level without disappearing altogether. It is known in certain plant and animal groups adapted to survive periods of extremely dry conditions. Tardigrades aka water bears are capable of cryptobiosis which is why Sam eats them to prevent the effects of Timefall rain on him. That slows down aging and decay when they eat these things or heals them in the game. So those are real things and could be the key to enabling us humans to cure mortality and diseases if we can have the same abilities as these water bears who are capable of surviving space, volcanoes and almost any location and still live. That I think is an amazing real life super power! Another thing I wanna mention is Higgs the villain that showed up who has these powers like teleportation similar to Fragile and seem to be able to summon giant monster BTs when I first encountered him. The Higgs boson particle in real life is so important to the Standard Model because it signals the existence of the Higgs field, an invisible energy field present throughout the universe that imbues other particles with mass. It is also referred to as the God Particle and might have connection with the big bang and the universe origins and could also be its end. Without it everything will just fall apart and have no mass basically causing everything like the earth, human body, objects, the sun, etc. to just scatter into atomic pieces no longer held together in place not even by gravity. That's a scary thought. lol The Higgs boson was discovered not too long ago using the Large Hadron Collider back in 2011-2013. Although the game at first might seem like a walking simulator at the beginning you will get vehicles, faster travel, weapons and other stuff as you get further in the story and progress and that is a good way to develop the game and the characters in it. It's kinda like leveling up in an RPG that is why I like this game. There is also the building structures aspect that I like about this. It brings out the artist in me for some reason.
