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The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Has Finally Come Out Today For the Wii U!

Writer's picture: SevenHeavenHavenSevenHeavenHaven

Updated: Nov 29, 2020

This was a blog that I originally made back on September 20, 2013 at 8:00 AM.

I'm really happy for the released of this updated version of the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker but I'm sad because I don't have a Wii U yet! Oh, well. Will this game deliver on the hype or will it just be another Zelda game that is pretty much the same old rehash. We all know that it's still the Wind Waker game which I've played years ago. I haven't gotten back to the game I'll probably do later on my video game stream. I'll do that later in the future. Well, back to the topic at hand. Nintendo hasn't been really delivering lately to fully take advantage of the full potential and capabilities of the Wii U but maybe it will take off later on in the upcoming months or years if it takes longer to develop their main games. Since its debut on the Gamecube The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker showed a new take on the Zelda games with a cell shaded style and cartoony way of depicting Link, Zelda, and the other characters in the game. We all know the formula that Link is off to save the world, save Princess Zelda, etc. while acquiring awesome items, weapons, and other random things along the way! You visit towns, buy stuff, go sailing, go inside dungeons and fight hoards of monsters before finally confronting the boss of that dungeon. We all know about the main antagonist Ganon and his quest to rule world but with Link to stop him we all know everything will be alright! I've been a fan of the Zelda games since I've first played The Legend of Zelda for the Famicom then getting my hands on my first Gameboy Pocket I get to play The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. It was a good childhood of mine that I cherish thanks to these games. I will always hold the Zelda series close to my heart like I hold the Mario games. The only problem with this game is that it is viewed by people, gamers, and critics to be too kiddie and cartoony which took away the appeal that The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time has portrayed. That game in my opinion is the best Zelda to date but that's my opinion and could differ from yours. The HD in this new Wind Waker does look amazing and beautiful and they probably add some new additions along the way and more content. I can only guess for now. Hopefully, I get a Wii U in the future and get my hands on this baby but for now I'll stick with the other past Zeldas on my disposal. Check the video and screen below for the Wind Waker HD:



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