This was a blog that I originally made back on December 23, 2013 at 1:05 PM.
Well, I know I'm kinda late with this news but we all are already aware of Mighty No. 9 and how this game came into being. It was because fans wanted a new Mega Man game even though Keiji Inafune wasn't with Capcom anymore. He's with his new company Comcept. Well, this is the deal. Apparently, the true creator of Mega Man wasn't Keiji Inafune but a person named Akira Kitamura. Here is a quote by Inafune in the TGS 2007, "You told me that I am the father of Mega Man, but in fact it was already created when I joined the team at Capcom. My mentor, Akira Kitamura, had already created the character and knew what he wanted to make the game. Therefore, I only participate in its development. When Rockman arrived on the Super Famicom, I asked what if he was given a new look? But the design wasn't accepted and it became the character Zero". Well, the deal is that Akira created the pixel art first of Mega Man and then later on Keiji created the refined illustrations like manual art afterwards. So this is the truth. Akira Kitamura is the real creator of the Rockman/Rockman X franchises and he left Capcom in 1998 after MM8/MMX4. So Inafune has created Zero but not Mega Man and he came in complete control over the series after Mega Man X4 the last good Mega Man game. So let's get down to the current controversy surrounding Mighty No. 9. Apparently, they hired a girl named Dina Abou Karam who happens to be a feminist to be the community manager for the game. There was a backlash about her and the whole deal. Well, this is basically the reason for the backlash. She somehow wants Beck's gender to be change to a female. I could really care less about all that. They should at least give the option to choose from a female Beck to a male Beck so that everyone is happy. Sheesh. lol If the game turns out good then it's all good. Other than that, these guys are making the game and I'm only an observer to see how this will all turn out. Well, here is where it all started as to why the backlash. They're probably not gonna change Beck since this girl isn't the one in charge of the project. She's just another person working for them. I think everyone kinda blew it out of proportion but after seeing that gender is a problem as shown below. Even bringing up gender as an issue in the first place. I kinda wanna distance myself from this game. Sorry, I'm not saying the gender change is the reason but making a big deal out of this is. Both sides are trying to destroy each other and I don't want any part in that. I want equality and harmony not one side being dominant over the other regardless of gender, race, age, hair length, color, social status, fame, etc. Check out the deal below:

The pic above is Dina's version of Mighty No. 9 that got controversy and lots of rage online.
Keiji Inafune below is the mastermind behind Mighty No. 9 and the one behind the Mega Man series.

In reality the real father of Mega Man was the artist Akira Kitamura below is his picture who left Capcom after the first 3 Mega Man games back in the 80s leaving the franchise to Keiji so both of them had an impact on the Blue Bomber!

What do you guys think? lol Do these guys care or do they have an agenda? Also, what do you guys think of the new Beck design?

Here's another video about the backlash.
hehehe There's a lot of meltdown going on. Bahaha! Well, what do guys think or want? If you ask me for my honest opinion. I'd still play it but I also understand both sides so I'm taking the neutral stance and could care less what either side of the gender swaps desires. I'm more of a Darksiders II fan anyway and playing as Death who is about creating balance in the universe is in the neutral side. You see the thing about Death is that it doesn't care what gender you are. Sooner or later Death will reap your soul and that is Death's job is to help guide the lost souls back to be purified so that they can be sent to either the White City or the Demon Realm. It's about creating balance in the universe. Now for some Darksiders II stuff below cause I'd rather promote that game coz I'm a big fan of Death aka the grim reaper aka skeleton with a hood and huge scythe. lol Man, I can't wait for a Darksiders III game. Since now, it's being handled by Nordic Games. I wonder what direction will the Darksiders Franchise take? Will it even be made someday? A fan like myself can only dream. Sigh. Oh, well. So far we got a game on War and Death. Now, all we need is a game for Fury and Strife. That would complete the series! The Four Horsemen rides forth!
Here's an old video below that I made back in 2012 when the game first came out. I don't think anyone knows this but I'm the dude behind the creation of this video. I'm glad this youtuber Francisco Perez saved this video. I thought this video was lost forever after my old youtube channel HazardG7 got terminated. Nice! It brings back so many memories. I remember this video getting millions of views! It basically went viral! I get very emotional looking back. I was a rebellious guy back than but have matured way more now so I can basically look back with a smile. I was really into bands like Haji's Kitchen back then that's why I added their song Warrior into this music video that I made for Darksiders 2 and the announcement trailer inspired me because I loved that game. I listened to a lot of Tesseract, Gravity Pool, Skyharbor, Djent Music, Slow Roosevelt, Drowning Pool, Finger Eleven, Animals As Leaders, Dream Theater, Eumeria, etc.
