This was a blog that I originally made back on April 9, 2020 at 3:20 AM.
It has been a while man! I haven't really posted any new blog entries in a while. What can I say this is like a public journal diary thing. lol I still haven't upgraded to premium for this site to increase its storage limit and get its own domain name. I'm still using the free version so yeah. I might do that soon! I don't know. What can I say.. I've been busy working the past couple of years but currently on break coz of the lockdown regarding this Covid-19 aka Corona Virus spreading, infecting and killing people.

This means that the disease spreads rapidly and became very infectious! A lot of people got infected while several were asymptomatic which means not showing symptoms like coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing, fatigue, tiredness, etc. while others were highly symptomatic. It was fatal for a lot of people. Right now over a million people worldwide got infected and 88,000 people out of all that number died. The rest recovered so there were more recovery than deaths but still that is a lot of people! Right now the numbers are increasing coz a lot people just don't know how to follow social distancing! Those hard headed people don't give a crap so they can go extinct for all I care. Meanwhile, I've been social distancing and have quarantined myself to do my part in not getting and spreading that damn disease which is highly contagious. It is because of those airborne droplets and bodily fluids that can linger in the air for hours or maybe even days depending on the surface and location! I've also been livestreaming on Twitch! Check this link to watch my stream I've also been doing some Folding@Home which is a software that you can run on your PC or whatever device that you use like Laptop or maybe even a tablet. It does Protein Folding simulations on your PC to help it calculate WU aka Work Units! It kinda reminds me of Mining for Bitcoin on the Blockchain but instead of Mining Cryptocurrency you're using the processing power to calculate and produce cures and even vaccines for real world viruses! Other computers worldwide contribute to this to help create this cluster of one large singular super computer in servers at the Folding@Home location to calculate these structures! This could help find a vaccine and cure to different diseases like Covid-19, Cancer, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Parkinson's, and other diseases! Different hospitals and universities contribute to the Protein Folding Work Units to help calculate these problems which would take a single PC probably several hundred years to complete but because of several computers helping worldwide this greatly speed up those Work Loads or Work Units several times over! Click the videos below if you wanna learn more and download that Folding@Home installer so that you can run it on your PC as well if you're not using it right now Think of it as kinda like Goku's Spirit Bomb in the Dragon Ball Z anime. The people of earth lend their energy and chi in this case computing PC power to Goku or Folding@Home so that he can make the Spirit Bomb's power stronger and make it larger! or make the computing power of large clusters of computing network work together to reach a common goal in helping find cures lol
Here is the link to their website! and their Twitter Page

Here is my Folding@Home info! I joined Team CureCoin and because I also have a CureCoin Wallet. My Team Number is Team 224497 and my username is SevenHeaven_1NSN5TQxkERr8aE9jRGMBJqyUBsWEBAVPL Here's a video I made about this! Copy this link and paste on your search bar! Here is my Twitch Channel for livestream gaming related stuff!

If you wanna learn more about the Covid-19 Illness and its origins check the videos below!
Here is a way to earn Cure Coin Cryptocurrency while using Folding@Home!
Alright I'll be doing some Folding@Home now while earning Cure Coin Cryptocurrency on my PC! If you wanna play video games related to viruses and pandemics try out the Resident Evil series, Days Gone, The Last of Us, Tom Clancy's The Division, World War Z, Left 4 Dead, Plague Inc., etc.! Games like Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remake should suffice! The end is nigh and Nemesis is comin fo yo ass!
Here is the link to my game session run of the Resident Evil 3 Remake Demo! Just wanted to try it out! Copy and paste this link to your search bar!
Below are videos about movies that you can watch about pandemics and viruses spreading and causing an outbreak! Some are fictional but some are based on true life scenarios!
Take care out there guys! Practice social distancing when going out to buy groceries, supplies, equipment, food, etc.! Also don't hesitate to wear a facemask, bring sanitizers, cleaning sprays and wipes with you! This is a matter of life and death! If it's not serious for you then maybe you can do it for other people with weaker immune systems! Stay safe guys! Let's fight and win this war against Covid-19!