This was a blog that I originally made back on May 22, 2014 at 4:55 PM.
So I've been browsing the interwebs again and stumble upon this latest news. It seems that the popular video hosting website Youtube is considering buying the gaming streaming site TwitchTV which is where I stream games once in a while. I might do it later. Could this be a good move for video hosting giant? TwitchTV was unknown before and slowly became popular overtime thanks to gamers and gaming sites! It gets 43 million monthly users since it started three years after its launch so it maybe mostly gaming related but that's potential for growth I guess. Man, there's a lot of buying happening lately like Apple buying Dr. Dre's Beats, Disney buying Maker Studios, and now this! I guess you could look at it in a perspective when it comes to potential growth that's all I can say. All this combined media might help promote their brand further and introduce more gamers, consumers, etc. Livestreaming video games and ESports is becoming a hit and it seems that they're even making it a big tournament nowadays and even compares it to the X Games sports and such. Google Youtube may have notice the amount of audience the gaming community in TwitchTV had so they consider this move! People actually like watching live streaming of gamers play games and that interaction with other gamers in live broadcast makes the experience simultaneous because its live and happening at that very moment compared to pre-recorded videos. Gaming is huge right now and has gotten bigger compared to the 80s and 90s! I believe that gaming is never gonna crash because people wanna be entertained just like how movies entertain people! People want that stuff and they need it! For those on the other hand that are trying to kill gaming then you're just trying to take something aways that's been around for decades! It's part of history now and entertainment gives people that escape to have fun once in a while or if not once then maybe several times! Well, what do you guys think? Would this affect the gaming community of TwitchTV in a negative way or if Youtube buys it would help grow the audience and introduce livestreaming gaming to more people? There's already a gaming community in Youtube but the gaming community in TwitchTV is bigger because of the constant interaction with livestreamers and the audience! I like watching someone play games there and the tournaments in the fighting games, MOBA games, speedrunning games, etc! I love that stuff! What about your thoughts guys?
